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System.Type:get_Attributes crashes when creating New Scene



To reproduce:

1. Download attached project "" and open in Unity
2. Open "sample" scene
3. Select GameObject > CleanUp Missing Script
4. Select File > New Scene or Ctrl + N

Expected Result: Unity Editor successfully opens the new empty scene
Actual Result: Unity Editor crashes

- This issue appears on Windows and OSX
- The stack trace, Error, and Editor.log are shared in the comments section
- Strange behavior: In Unity 5.6.5p4 after these steps Unity crashes, but from Unity 2017.1.0a1 it just throws Fatal Error "CheckDisalowAllocation. Allocating memory when it is not allowed to allocate memory." and there is the only button "Quit"
- yanghuaizhong says that he successfully reproduces the crash in newer versions of Unity, but for me, it only crashes with a stack trace in Unity 5.6.5p4

Reproduced on Unity 5.6.5p4, 2017.1.3p3, 2017.2.2p3, 2017.3.2f1, 2017.4.1f1, 2018.1.0f1 and 2018.2.0a9

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