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Fixed in 0.1.9



Found in [Package]




Issue ID




Sysroot Base package throws "no suitable method found to override" errors when Editor doesn't have Linux build support installed

Package: Toolchain Linux x64


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project (
2. Notice the Console window entries

Expected result: There are no error messages related to the Sysroot package
Actual result: There are "no suitable method found to override" errors related to the Sysroot package

Reproducible with: 2019.4.3f1 (0.1.7), 2020.1.0b15, 2020.2.0a17 (0.1.8)
Could not test with: 2018.4.24f1 (Invalid dependencies)

1. Tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 (Doesn't reproduce, because the Linux Editor comes with Linux build support by default)
2. To reproduce make sure Linux build support is not installed

Comments (1)

  1. malkere

    Jun 06, 2022 05:00

    I'm getting this in 2019.4.21 after starting a separate unrelated VR project, despite having Linux build support installed. It's looking like I'll have to reinstall Unity?

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