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Surface Shader lighting displayed incorrectly when Point Light is intersecting a Particle System inside Camera Frustum



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "IN-84355" project
2. Open the "Default" Scene and enter Play mode
3. Observe the grass lighting on the “Terrain” GameObject in Game view

Expected result: Grass prefabs have consistent shading regardless of the position of the camera and the particle system in the project
Actual result: Grass prefabs have their surface shader lighting computed incorrectly when a point light is visible and intersecting with a particle system inside the Camera Frustum

Reproducible in: 2021.3.44f1, 2022.3.48f1, 6000.0.21f1

Reproducible on: Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested


* Behavior only occurs when using deferred rendering and per-pixel lighting with a point light or spot light
* When the point light is moved so that it does not intersect with the particle system, the grass elements render as expected
* When downgrading the Project to 2021.3.x the grass Prefabs might need to be placed in the Project manually, but the issue still reproduces.
* Reproducible using Direct3D 11/12, Vulkan and OpenGL Graphics APIs
* In Unity Editor versions 6000.0.x, issue only reproduces when using Direct3D11 and OpenGLES3

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