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Fixed in 6.6.0



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SubAsset texture input in ShaderGraph not working

Package: Shader Graph


It seems that ShaderGraph does not properly handle the case where assets (textures) used as input are stored as SubAssets in the project, when serializating the shader.
Steps to reproduce:
- open included project
- open "New Shader Graph" with ShaderGraph editor
- Assign the two textures contained as SubAssets in "New TextureContainer" to the Sample Texture nodes in the graph
- Save the ShaderGraph asset
- Select "New Material"

Expected result:
The material inspector showing the two texture properties, both with the correct, different texture applied.

Actual result:
The material shows that the first SubAsset texture gets assigned to both texture properties in the shader. It seems that ShaderGraph does not handle the case where the asset is a SubAsset properly during serialization, and can only use the first SubAsset in the container.

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