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[SRP] Lenovo Daydream Flicker

Graphics - General


SRP Repo: Issue #1597

What happened?
Lenovo Daydream is flickering at random times in both eyes (but often not the same time in both eyes). If I just render the default plank scene this happens.

Also, the shadow map does not seem to be in sync with both eyes. The shadows don't seem to be right as they clash with both eyes. They look different in each eye, but they are way off on the ground too.

Which package (Shader graph, LW, HDRP, Core...)?
LWRP 2.0.4 -- however, I tried all the way down to 1.1.11 and it still happens.

Unity template or github source code?
Unity VR template and my own scene.

Which package version or branch (1.1.8-preview, 2.0.0-preview, 2018.1, 2018.1-experiment, 2108.2...)?
Unity 2018.2.0b9

Unity version, operating system, target platform (standalone windows, mac, iOS, PS4...)?
Unity 2018.2.0b9
Target Android on Lenovo Mirage Solo (Daydream).
Windows 10 machine

Is this happening to anyone else with this device?

Comments (3)

  1. jykholodia

    Nov 29, 2019 10:43

    Same issue here. Please reopen it.

  2. Turtwiggy

    Apr 26, 2019 15:21

    +1 To this issue. Getting the same flickering issue with the LWRP. Managed to resolve it on the regular pipeline by disabling MSAA.

  3. thanos17997

    Mar 28, 2019 05:40

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