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Slow Performance Issue with EventMachine`2.OnDrawGizmos()

Package: Visual Scripting


h3. Reproducible on Visual Scripting 1.7.8 on Editor 2021.3.3f1
h2. Steps to Reproduce:
#  Load the gigaya project (see pinned comments in #gigaya-pixyz for instructions) or any project with a lot of visual scripting components.
# Enable gizmos.
# Profile the project and examine the DrawGizmos entry.

h2. Actual Results

A large portion of the time in DrawGizmos is spent in EventMachine`2.OnDrawGizmos() 

From this profiling results in Gigaya, we can see that it spent 4ms on EventMachine`2.OnDrawGizmos() from the 60 VS components in the scene.

h2. Expected Results

EventMachine`2.OnDrawGizmos()  should be much faster.

  1. Resolution Note:

    We understand that it is personally important enough for you to have filed a bug report, and we are sorry that we will not be able to address it in a timely fashion, but we have to address bugs in order of impact, and unfortunately this one is minor compare to the other issues listed in our backlog

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