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Sky colour option gets changed after running automated tests



After upgrading from 2022.3 LTS to Unity 6 in a project that uses test automation, I noticed that the sky colour setting gets changed to skybox, only after running the test automation. ** 

*Steps to reproduce:*

1.  download this [project|]

2. run the 01_Opening_Intro.unity and notice how the text looks in front of the camera 

3. open the Test Runner and run the Opening_Intro_Tests - you can just run the 08ValidateIntroTextMeshProSetup test

4. wait for the tests to finish and notice how the sky looks in the Game window afterwards.

5. press Play and notice that the sky doesn't change back to the original position any more.

* the sky does reset to normal after re-opening the project.

*Actual results:*  The sky colour is replaced by the skybox 

*Expected results:*  The sky colour should look the same - after automated tests finish running.

*Reproducible with versions:* 2023.3.0a4, 6000.0.b14

*Not reproducible with versions:* 2023.2.17f1 or any older versions.

*Tested on (OS):* 
* Windows 11

  1. Resolution Note:

    As with the case, This issue was caused by the TearDown method of the tests, that was resetting the positions of the test
    Duplicate of another internal issue: UUM-69362: Text Mesh Pro text position on the screen is changed after running automated tests

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