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Fixed in 2018.3.X



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Issue ID




Skipping profile frame. Receiver can not keep up with the data. An option to pause player to keep up with data should be present



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user attached project
2. Open "Main" scene
3. Play the scene
4. Click on "Run with Profiler.BeginSample"
5. Observe the "Skipping profile frame. Receiver can not keep up with the amount of data sent" in the console
6. Select "Deep Profile" in profiler window, and click on "Run without Profiler.BeginSample"
7. Notice the same issue

Actual result: Frames are skipped as receiver does not keep up with the data
Expected result: a toggle option to pause player to keep up with data should be present

Reproduced in: 2018.2.0a4, 2018.1.b11, 2017.3.1p4

Comments (2)

  1. LazloBonin

    Jun 11, 2018 19:26

    I have the same issue while trying to optimize Bolt, my plugin. I used to be able to use the profiler to profile play mode entry in deep profiling and reduce startup times. Now, the play mode entry frame gets skipped and the profiler became useless.

    Reverting to 2017.1 is not an option as newer versions of Bolt only support 2017.4. It seems like this threshold was introduced arbitrarily however, because I used to be able to deep profile the same scene/project. Can we at least have an option to bypass it? Right now I have no way of optimizing this part of Bolt.

  2. unity_hdHw-IEKPMKG5w

    May 08, 2018 01:38

    I find myself having to revert to Unity 2017.1 to do any deep profiling now as later versions of Unity have this problem - if a frame takes more than say 2 seconds, the frame is skipped. This is a common occurrence in a big-data streaming application, really hoping this gets fixed and at least backported to 2017.4 LTS.

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