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Fixed in 2018.1.X

Fixed in 2017.2.X, 2017.3.X



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Issue ID




Single Line Input Field becomes Unresponsive



An Input Field with Line Type set to 'Single Line' cannot be modified and seemingly 'freezes' when a large string is pasted into it.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Download Project attached and open the 'Controls' Scene.
2. In the Multi-Line Input Field, enter a large string value until the console starts giving you errors about the text field being full. You can copy + paste larger and larger string values one after the other to speed this process up
3. Copy and paste entire contents from the Multi-Line Input into the Single-Line Input field.

Expected Result:
Single Line Input displays string, lets you delete characters

Actual Result:
Single Line Input is blank, and doesn't let you edit it anymore.

See attached .gif for more details.

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