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Shortcut Manager - Key legend icons and text overlap eachother when the profile button is at max width



When the profile context menu button is at max width in Shortcut Manager, the key legend icons will overlap eachother. The max width of the profile menu button should be reduced.

1. Install Unity
2. Create a new project with any settings
3. Go to Edit > Shortcuts
4. Create a new profile with a very long name e.g.


5. Make sure the profile with the long name is selected in the profile dropdown
6. Look at the key legend icons at the top right of the window

Expected Result:
Key legend is displayed correctly.

Actual Result:
Key legend icons and text overlap eachother.

Tested on Windows.

Occurs on 2019.1.0a4 (feature introduction), 2019.1.0a10

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #1099039

    Long names are not displayed properly

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