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Shadows differ depending on Mesh Renderer property Lightmap Static is checked

Progressive Lightmapper


Reproduction steps:
1. Download user's project and open in Unity
2. Select "SampleScene"
3. Generate Lighting

Expected: shadows of the cubes should be of the same darkness on the planes
Actual: shadows are not of the same darkness

Reproduced on: 2017.3.2f1; 2017.4.4f1; 2018.2.0b5; 2018.3.0a1

Note: in 2017.1.4f1 and 2017.2.3f1 the darkness is almost the same, but one is blurred (on the right), while other is sharp (on the left)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Going forward, issues related to realtime rendering (including realtime shadows) should be addressed to the corresponding SRP team. This issue will not be fixed in the built-in RP.

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