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Fixed in 10.3.1



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Issue ID




ShaderGraph with Subsurface Scattering Material Type is SRP Batcher incompatible when property is connected to Vertex Position

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. In the Project window, select Test.shadergraph
3. In the Inspector, observe the SRP Batcher compatibility

Expected result: It is SRP Batcher compatible
Actual result: It is SRP Batcher not compatible with"UnityPerMaterial CBuffer inconsistent size inside a SubShader (DepthOnly)" error

Reproducible with: 10.0.0-preview.27 - 10.2.2 (2020.2.5f1)
Not reproducible with: 7.5.3 (2019.4.20f1), 8.3.1 - 9.0.0-preview.72, 10.3.1 (2020.2.5f1), 11.0.0 (2021.1.0b7), 12.0.0 (2021.2.0a6)
Could not test with: 2018.4.32f1 (could not downgrade)

1. Reproducible only if any property is used (for example Vector3 property)
2. Is not reproducible if the same type of non-property Node is used instead of property (for example Vector3 Node)
3. Is not reproducible with

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 10.3.1):

    Fixed in Shader Graph 10.3.1

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