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Fixed in 10.x.x



Found in [Package]

master (9f5e9796ac)

Issue ID




[Shadergraph] Virtual Texture: deleting a layer and then plugging in extra output of Sample Virtual Texture softlocks graph

Package: Shader Graph


Needs to be fixed for 9.x.x as well as 10.x.x
Repro steps:
1. Open a shadergraph
2. Create a Virtual Texture property
3. Drag out the output and create a Sample Virtual Texture node
4. Add a layer to the property
5. Unplug and re-plug the virtual texture property into the Sample Virtual Texture node so the outputs update
6. Delete a layer on the property
7. Plug the last output of the Sample Virtual Texture Node into any input on the master stack

Expected result: the number of outputs update when the property updates, or at least the graph doesn't softlock
Actual result: the graph softlocks

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