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Master (9f5e9796ac)

Issue ID




[Shadergraph] Virtual Texture: Clicking "No Feedback" changes number of outputs, plugging in extra outputs softlocks graph

Package: Shader Graph


Also needs to be fixed in 9.x.x
Repro steps:
1. Create a new shadergraph
2. Create a Virtual Texture property and drag it onto the graph
3. Drag the output from the Virtual Texture property and create a Sample Virtual Texture node
4. Select the Sample Virtual Texture node and, in the Graph Inspector, click the "No Feedback" (or "Automatic Streaming" if the name change PR has been merged) option
Expected result: the number of outputs doesn't change
Actual result: the number of outputs changes to four, and plugging an one of the later outputs softlocks the graph

Comments (1)

  1. avamai

    Aug 06, 2022 16:47

    You will find many websites that can provide you virtual numbers.But can't be sure about any website that they are providing virtual numbers or cheat.But I know about the provider who are providing hundred percent virtual number.
    The name of this website is sms man.You can try here.
    Hope it will be helpful to you.

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