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[Shadergraph] Subgraphs marked as invalid don't cause graphs containing them to error

Package: Shader Graph


Doesn't reproduce in SRP 11.0.0 (Version: 2021.1.8f1.2516) and below
Reproduces in SRP 12.0.0 (Version: 2021.2.0b3.3078.7)

Repro steps:
1. Create a subgraph
2. Create a custom function node in the subgraph
3. Add an output to the custom function node
4. Plug the output into the output node of the subgraph
5. Create a lit URP or HDRP shadergraph
6. Drag the subgraph into the shadergraph
7. Plug the subgraph into base color
8. Save the shadergraph

Expected result: the shadergraph has an error when selected, shown in the inspector, or at least a warning
Actual result: there is no error or warning in the inspector

  1. Resolution Note:

    Decided to won't fix this one -- displaying validation errors in the inspector would require storing them in the asset, and then writing the inspector code to show them. Given the other changes we are making in the next version, which would be rewriting a lot of this code, we should just aim to have the desired behavior in the new code.

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