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Fixed in 507ca2d



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[Shadergraph] Best fit for terms typed in the searcher is no longer selected after 7.x.x

Package: Searcher


Repro steps:
1. Open a shadergraph
2. Create a vector 1 node
3. Drag the edge out from the vector 1 node onto the graph
4. When the searcher pops up, type in "prev"
Expected result: "Preview" is an easily accessible result
Actual result: the results are drowned out by a bunch of nodes with (Preview) in the title, and you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to get to the one you want

Note: the same thing happens with "Color" "Lerp" and other terms; simply typing these and pressing enter would create the correct node, but this is no longer the case after 7.x.x/19.4. This is a major workflow regression and should be fixed in all currently supported versions after 7.x.x if possible.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 507ca2d ):

    Resolved by this PR which was merged in today:

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