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Shader Graph’s generated material is not duplicated when using shortcuts

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduction steps:
1. Open user’s attached project
2. Select Assets/Models/DiceGraph and expand it
3. Select DiceGraph Shader Graph generated material and duplicate it using Ctrl+D or Cmd+D shortcuts

Expected result: Generated material can be duplicated
Actual result: Material cannot be duplicated followed by three errors:
- _Duplicated asset name 'Material/DiceGraph' contains invalid characters. Those will be replaced in the duplicated asset name._
- _Can't create asset because path is empty._
- _UnityException: Creating asset at path failed._

Reproducible with: 13.1.7 (2022.1.0b11), 13.1.8 (2022.1.13f1), 14.0.3 (2022.2.0b4), 15.0.0 (2023.1.0a5)
Not reproducible with: 13.1.6 (2022.1.0b10)

Reproducible on: macOS 12.5, Windows 10

  1. Resolution Note:

    Because this is a subasset on an imported asset, modifying or duplicating the asset will not create the expected outcomes. If there is a need for having a fast way to create a new material from a shadergraph, we can explore what workflow would work fast for that.

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