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[Shader Graph] Shader Graph Window is not available in Windows drop down

Package: Shader Graph


[Shader Graph] Shader Graph Window is not available in Windows drop down

To reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Install Shader Graph package
3. Open Window dropdown
Expected result: Shader Graph window can be opened there
Actual result: Shader GRaph window cannot be opened from there
Note: This is not consistent with similar tooling (Visual Effects Graph), which can be opened from that window.

Reproduced on:
2020.1.0a14 Shader Graph 7.1.5
2019.1.14f1 Shader Graph 5.7.2

  1. Resolution Note:

    Shader Graph uses a document model which means each window is tied to a specific asset. Simply opening a SG window with no graph does not make sense. To open Shader Graph, create a Shader Graph asset and double-click it.

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