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Shader Graph opening of new files is not consistent with other artist oriented tooling in Unity

Package: Shader Graph


Shader Graph opening of new files is not consistent with other artist oriented tooling in Unity

To reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Right-click in Project view, Create one of the Shader Graphs
3. Double click on the asset
4. Create another Shader Graph
5. Double click on it

Expected result: The same window switches over to the new one
Actual result: A new Shader Graph window is opened

Note: Visual Effect Graph, Animator, Timeline all work by switching the Same Window. The main bug here is that the workflows are not consistent across the similar, artist oriented systems within Unity.
Note2: Some screens within Unity have similar same screen workflow, but with additional controls within the window to switch to different assets (Audio Mixer, Animation)

Reproduced on: 2020.1.0a14, Shader Graph 7.1.5

  1. Resolution Note:

    Opening multiple windows is a very common use case and after discussing with the Shader Graph team as well as UX, it was decided the user benefit outweighed the inconsistency.

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