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Fixed in 6.5.0



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Issue ID




Shader Graph - Invalid dependency paths when creating Unlit graphs

Package: Shader Graph


Shader Graph - Invalid dependency paths when creating Unlit graphs

When creating an Unlit Shader Graph asset, two warnings about invalid dependencies will be shown in the console:

Invalid dependency path: Packages\com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight\Editor\ShaderGraph\lightweightUnlitPass.template
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

Invalid dependency path: Packages\com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight\Editor\ShaderGraph\lightweightUnlitExtraPasses.template
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

1. Open Unity
2. Load the attached project
3. Create an Unlit shader graph in the project view

Expected Result:
A graph asset is created without any warnings or errors.

Actual Result:
Two warnings appear in the console.

Tested on Windows using Unity 2019.1.0b4

Occurs in Shadergraph/LWRP 5.3.1

Does not occur when using the 5.2.3 set.

Comments (3)

  1. shubhamswaraj2021

    Aug 18, 2020 16:50

    good one <a href="">lyricsauto</a>

  2. jeyemdelacruz

    Jul 16, 2019 08:33

    How did you fix this pls help

  3. dlawry

    Jun 14, 2019 23:40

    Seems like a simple thing to fix. There's a check in the public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx) method of ShaderGraphImporter.cs to ensure the sourceAssetDependencyPath starts with either "Packages/" or "Assets/". The problem is with the OS relevant path separator I think. On Windows environments the check would be against "Packages\\" or "Assets\\" so simply abstracting the OS path separator to use in this check would probably be a good solution.

    Tested on Windows 10 with Unity Version 2019.1.6f1 (f2970305fe1c)

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