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Fixed in 1.0.1



Found in [Package]

0.1.0-preview.8, 1.0.0

Issue ID




Settings Manager package Sample throws errors when it is imported

Package: Settings Manager


Reproduction steps:
1. Open user's attached project "Settings_Manager_package_Sample"
2. Open the Package Manager and select the Settings Manager package
3. Import User Settings Example by clicking the "Import into Project" button

Expected result: Sample is imported without any errors
Actual result: "The type or namespace name 'ProjectSettingsRepository' could not be found" errors are thrown

Reproducible with: 2019.3.0b11, 2020.1.0a13
Could not test with: 2017.4.35f1 (no Package Manager), 2018.4.13f1, 2019.2.13f1, 2019.3.0a7 (no Settings Manager package)

Reproducible with package versions: 0.1.0-preview.8, 1.0.0
Not reproducible with package versions: 0.1.0-preview.4

Workaround: Changing "ProjectSettingsRepository" to "PackageSettingsRepository" in the lines that cause these errors

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