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Fixed in 5.2.0



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Setting UI Text component text to empty throws error



I'm not attaching project for this case, because its extremly simple to reproduce.

1. Create project.
2. Hierarchy->Create->UI->Text
3. change this text component text to "" (empty).
4. You should get error:
"Geometry jobs should not be launched for empty tasks"

Comments (2)

  1. Contato

    Aug 05, 2017 16:09

    Just had this error in Unity 5.6.1f1, problem is: which line? which renderer? At the moment I have 52 to check...

  2. Steamroller

    Jan 05, 2016 02:33

    If anyone else has found this page because you are also getting this error message. Make sure you don't have a mesh renderer trying to render a mesh with no vertices. In our case, we had a dynamically populated mesh which in certain cases would result in no vertices. The worst part is that the message itself doesn't tell you which mesh renderer is causing the error.

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