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Issue ID




SerializedReference is not saved when restarting Unity Editor

Package: Timeline


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user’s attached project
2. Open the “Assets/DancingInvaders/Prefabs/Ships/EnemyShipActor/EnemyShipActor.prefab”
3. In the Hierarchy, select “StateControlTrack” GameObject, which is a child of “Timelines” GameObject
4. In the Timeline, select “ActiveState”
5. In the Inspector, select any condition under “Transition Setups”
6. Save the Project
7. Repeat steps 1-4
8. In the Inspector, observe the conditions under “Transition Setups”

Expected result: Previously selected condition is saved
Actual result: The selected condition is not saved

Reproducible with: 2021.3.10f1, 2022.1.17f1. 2022.2.0b8. 2023.1.0a11
Couldn't test with: 2020.3.39f1 (couldn’t downgrade because C# 9.0 and above is not supported)

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro 21H2

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