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[Assert] Screen position out of view frustum error printed non stop (Camera::ScreenPointToRay or Camera::ScreenToWorldPoint)

Scene/Game View


Open Scenes\level1.unity in the attached project and press Play. Notice how the Console gets spammed with "Screen position out of view frustum" errors:

Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 0.000000, 0.000000, 1555688.750000) (Camera rect 0 0 256 256)
UnityStandardAssets.Water.Water:OnWillRenderObject() (at Assets/MiniGolf/Standard Assets/Environment/Water/Water/Scripts/Water.cs:108)


If there are resources for it, add support for double precision to the relevant methods. Otherwise, clamp the far clip plane to never be larger than 1000000 (same max value it had before).

Comments (56)

  1. Lionious

    Feb 11, 2016 10:00

    there also problem with Reflec now , that i can't select any game objects on my scene if my water script is on for Reflec that really need srs fix .

  2. smile59

    Jan 28, 2016 21:01


    You can put off default reflect layer on your water game object. Error will stop appear. But it's a temporary solution :(

    Have a nice day,

  3. nasos_333

    Jan 27, 2016 08:27

    I get the same issue in 5.3.1p4 with the Water4 reflection script from standard assets.

    Also i get the "!IsFinite(outDistanceForSort)" error when i use this script with particles with the error pointing in the exact same code line of the "Screen position out of view frustum" error.

  4. stigmamax

    Jan 23, 2016 15:52

    It's not fixed in 5.3.1p4 !!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Roman-Ilyin

    Dec 02, 2015 12:42

    Seems to be fixed in 5.3.0f

  6. Roman-Ilyin

    Nov 10, 2015 13:46

    Same error as

    It's NOT FIXED in 5.2.2(!)

    2D project, Ortho camera

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