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Fixed in 2023.2.0a16



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[URP] Render debug mode breaks Game view when using specific Post-Processing functionality



How to reproduce:
1. Open the “Lighting_Debug_Bug“ project
2. Open the “SampleScene“
3. Enter Play Mode and open Game view
4. Enable the “RenderGraph” field in the top right corner
5. Enable the “UberPost FinalBlit” field in the top left corner
6. Open the Rendering Debugger (Window > Analysis > Rendering Debugger)
7. In the “Lighting” section change “HDR Debug Mode” from “None” to “Gamut View”

Expected result: the scene, “Overlay” text, and the debug color triangle is rendered
Actual result: the scene is not rendered resulting in a black background, the “Overlay” text and the debug color triangle are rendered, but the debug triangle does not function

Reproduced with: 2023.2.0a14
Could not test with: 2020.3.48f1, 2021.3.25f1, 2022.2.19f1, 2023.1.0b16 (Could not resolve package dependency errors)

Reproduced on: Windows 10 (by reporter), Windows 11

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