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Renaming Track Group instance in Timeline is inconsistent

Package: Timeline


Steps to repro:
1. Create a new project

2. Open Timeline window (Window -> Sequencing -> Timeline)

3. Click the plus icon in the Timeline window to add a track

4. Add Track Group

5. Double-click the Track Group name to rename it

6. Type something until the name reaches its bounds


Expected result: Name input field either doesn't end (same as the sub-tracks) or gets cut off
Actual result: Input starts to go backwards after hitting a length barrier, which is inconsistent with the behaviour of renaming the sub-item found in the dropdown

Reproducible with: Timeline 1.2.18 (2019.4.37f1), 1.7.1 (2022.2.0a7)

- Reproducible both on Mac and Linux
- The issue seems to reproduce only on first rename, on subsequent ones the name field doesn't end

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is a cosmetic that's specific to the IMGUI implementation, and we are rewriting the Window to UI Toolkit. We will fix it as part of the rewrite

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