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Fixed in 2017.1.X



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Removing Particle System component from a GameObject that depends on a Renderer corrupts the GameObject



It is possible to remove Particle System component from a GameObject that depends on a Renderer from the Particle System, thus causing a corrupted GameObject.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open the attached project.
2) Open 'Test' scene.
3) In the Hierarchy, select 'GameObject'.
4) Remove its 'Particle System' component.

A message is logged in the console:
"Can't remove component: Can't remove ParticleSystemRenderer because RendererDepender (Script) depends on it".
However, the Particle System component is removed from the Inspector even though there is a script attached to the GameObject, that requires a Renderer component. Therefore, the Particle System is removed, but the Particle System Renderer remains on the GameObject, thus it becomes corrupt. If such object is used in an iOS build, it causes a crash in SyncAllJobs() or SyncJobs() at ParticleSystem.cpp, indicating that the Particle System class is still used.

Reproduced on:
2017.1.0a2, 5.5.2p1, 5.4.5f1, 5.2.4f1

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