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Reimporting a texture asset changes its meta files when using a custom texture post-processor



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “textureimportertest” Project
2. In Project Window and select Assets/TileTextures right-click it and select “Reveal in finder”
3. Save the “TileTextures” folder in a separate location
4. In the Project Window select Assets/TileTextures right-click it and select “Reimport”
5. Using any version control tool compare the two folders

Expected results: The files are identical
Actual results: There are minor differences between the folders

Reproducible with: 2021.2.0a9, 2021.3.17f1, 2022.2.4f1, 2023.1.0a26
Not reproducible with: 2020.3.44f1, 2021.2.0a8

Reproduced on: Intel MacOS 13.1

  1. Resolution Note:

    In response to your message about the recently closed bug, I would like to explain a bit without getting into too many technicalities. Solutions to bugs in our system are tackled based on a combination of factors. These include the severity of the issue, the impact it has on our users, and the complexity involved in fixing it. Every issue reported is thoroughly evaluated, with the significant ones getting the topmost priority.

    The particular bug you referred to was reviewed, and given it is not causing a high level of disruption for users and the complex nature of the solution, it has been categorized as a lower priority at this time.

    This decision is not an indefinite one, and it doesn't mean the bug will never be fixed. It's simply a reflection of our current resources and priority plans. We take your feedback seriously and will revisit these issues as we continue to enhance our product.

    We appreciate your understanding and thank you once again for helping to improve our services. Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Best regards,
    Software Engineering Team

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