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[Regression] Attaching the GameObject to ScrollRect.content at runtime results in its RectTransform anchorPosition changing



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "ScrollRectBug" project and "ScrollRectTest" scene
2. Enter playmode, expand the disabled "Container1" GameObject and go down to "Template"
3. Note that its position values are set to 0
4. Press I key to clone and create the same GameObject, observe that "Container1(Clone)" GameObject is created
5. Expand it and go down to "Template"

Expected result: Its position is the same as the "Template" in "Container1" GameObject
Actual result: Its position has different values from the "Template" in "Container1" GameObject (Left: 250, Right : -250)

Regression introduced in - 2017.1.0b2 and 5.6.0p3
Reproducible with - 2018.1.0a1, 2017.3.0b5, 2017.2.0f3, 2017.1.2p1, 2017.1.0b2, 5.6.0p3
Not reproducible - 2017.1.0b1, 5.6.0p2

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