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[ReflectionProbes] Low performance of runtime reflection probes on OpenGL

Progressive Lightmapper


Steps to reproduce this issue(On Windows):

1. Open the attached project ('ETReflectionProbes')
2. Open 'opengl' scene
3. It has:
-Runtime reflection probe
-Plane using Standard specular shader and reflecting the environment
4. Delete script with the errors
5. Select 'GameObject' which is reflection probe
6. Change reflection probe to update 'every frame'
7. Play the scene
8. Open stats and observe the frame rate
9. Stop&close Unity
10. Open the editor forcing OpenGL(-force-opengl)
11. Play the same scene
12. The frame rate is 3-4 times lower compared to DirectX11

This makes scenes with reflection probes run far slower on OSX machines

Captured issue:

Comments (1)

  1. Kibsgaard

    Mar 12, 2015 14:06

    In my case, on a Geforce GTX 660, it is 0.6 ms render time (DX9/11) vs. 350ms render time (OpenGL) on Windows 8.1.

    I have to use OpenGL and then I can't use the reflection probes in its current state.

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