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Fixed in 4.1.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[ProBuilder]Vertices and edges are not highlighted while selecting respective options from toolbar

Package: Probuilder


Steps To Reproduce:

1. Create a project
2. Windows > Package Manager > ProBuilder> Install
3. Tools > ProBuilder Window
4. ProBuilder Window> New Shape > Cube
5. Select the Vertex/Edge icon from the ProBuilder toolbar

Expected Result: Vertices/edges are highlighted

Observed Result: Vertices/edges are not highlighted

Reproducible On: Package Version: 4.0.5

Not Reproducible On: Package Version: 3.10.1

Checked with Unity Version 2019.3.0a8, 2019.2.0b8, 2019.1.0f2

Environment: Occurs only on Mac

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