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Fixed in 3.10.0-preview.0

Fixed in 3.10.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Probuilder causes IL2CPP builds to fail

Package: Probuilder


Building for IL2CPP fails when the Probuilder package is present.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Attempt to build the attached project
2. Observe a failure to build

Note that Mono is unaffected, and the following settings make no difference:
- Scripting Runtime Version
- API Compatibility Level
- Strip Engine Code
- Managed Stripping Level
- Development/nondevelopment

Reproducible for Standalone/Windows, PS4.
Reproducible in packages 3.0.2, 3.0.9.
Reproducible in versions 2019.1.0a7, 2019.1.0a8, 2019.1.0a9, 2019.1.0a10.

Not reproducible in version 2019.1.0a6.
Not reproducible in packages 3.0.0, 3.0.1.

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