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Prefabs Overrides Window shows override objects with DontSave flags

Scene Management


How to reproduce:
1. Open user attached project ""
2. Open "ReproScene" (in "Repro" folder)
3. Select "ReproPrefab"
4. In Inspector, click the "Overrides" button

Expected result: There are no override objects
Actual result: There are override objects

Reproducible with - 2018.3.7f1, 2019.1.0b5, 2019.2.0a6

  1. Resolution Note (2019.2.X):

    The overrides dropdown is not just for showing what will be applied if clicking Apply All. It's also to show what will be reverted if clicking Revert All. Since the overrides in question, which are references to HideAndDontSave objects, would be reverted if clicking Revert All, we can't hide them in the overrides dropdown, since it would then be missing information about some of the things that would be affected.

    To avoid the issue, references that are meant to reference non-serialized objects are recommended to make non-serialized as well using the NonSerialized attribute

    Alternatively, the entire objects which references a HideAndDontSave object can be marked as HideAndDontSave as well in certain situations, for example the MeshFilter for a generated mesh. A change is currently being rolled out which ensures that added GameObject and components that are themselves HideAndDontSave don't show up in the overrides dropdown.

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