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Fixed in 2.0.20



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[Post Processing] Disabling Post-Process Layer does not disable Camera's m_forceIntoRT flag

Package: PostProcessing


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user attached project
2. Enable debug view in the inspector
3. Create a new camera
4. Observe that m_forceIntoRT is off
5. Add Post-Process layer under the camera object and notice that m_forceIntoRT is flagged as true ( checked )
6. Remove Post-Process layer
7. Notice that m_forceIntoRT flag is still set to true.

Expected result: m_forceIntoRT flag should be false when Post-Process layer is removed

Reproduced in: 2019.1.0a6, 2018.3.0b7, 2018.2.10f1
Post-processing packaged reproduced: 2.0.15, 2.0.10

Comments (6)

  1. Robdon

    Nov 18, 2020 14:17

    Well,just to add to your findings.

    I was getting a bug reported on our game, that only on Linux, if you did a screen resolution swap from the default screen size, in the game then all the 'text' items would disappear and be blank.

    After many hours of searching, I found my UI Camera had the 'm_ForceIntoRT' flag set (I presume it did have Post Processing on it at some point, and I removed it, to get the flag set)

    After unsetting this flag, it then fixed the bug.

    Using 2018.4.23f1 (Linux)

  2. JJunior

    Sep 15, 2020 20:26

    This is still present on 2020.1.3f1

  3. JJunior

    Sep 15, 2020 20:24

    Please fix this! I just found this bug in the worst way possible, after many hours of debugging and building for mobile.

  4. JianZ

    Mar 15, 2019 00:36

    I can still repro the issue in 2.1.4

  5. sampenguin

    Jan 28, 2019 22:23

    I should add this still occurs in 2018.3.1f1

  6. sampenguin

    Jan 28, 2019 20:55

    I just discovered this exact problem on a client's project. It's going to be a nightmare for anyone trying to optimize for mobile that played around with Unity's Post-Process stack then removed it. You'll think PP is completely gone from your project, but any camera that had PP layer attached is still creating a full screen temp buffer and doing a Hidden/BlitCopy from it every frame.

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