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By Design
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PlayableDirect cannot load PlayableAsset (PlayableDirector.playable) when used in an AssetBundle
To reproduce:
1. Open attached project "2018.2"
2. Open "main.unity" scene
3. Build for iOS device
4. Deploy the Xcode project to an iOS device
5. Observe the Xcode console "PlayableAsset returned a null Playable on Instantiate"
Expected result: "PlayableAsset returned a null Playable on Instantiate" is not thrown in the Xcode console
Actual result: getting "PlayableAsset returned a null Playable on Instantiate" error in Xcode console
Reproduced on:
2018.2.13f1 2018.3.0b6
Devices reproduced on:
iPhone 6s Plus iOS 10.3.2
iPhone 7 Plus iOS 12.0
Can't build to 2019.1.0a5, getting errors in the console.
Crashes on 2017.4.13f1 (log in the edit)
Uncommenting line 4, line 18, and lines 55 - 67 in "LoadigProcess.cs" script doesn't show the error.
Adding the fixed script "LoadingProcess.cs"
Comments (1)
May 13, 2019 02:11
It is not acceptable to resolve this as "by design". A key feature in the Unity engine should work on all supported platforms out of the box. You have chose to support IL2CPP/Mono with stripping and therefore should have intelligent linker settings. Claiming it is "by design" and posting a work around on a random issue track ticket is bad practice.
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Resolution Note (2019.1.X):
Resolving by design, as the problem is exactly as stated, timeline code is getting stripped. The problem is the same as 959530. For this particular user, the correct entry for link.xml is
<assembly fullname="UnityEngine.Timeline">
<type fullname="UnityEngine.Timeline.*" preserve="all"/>