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Physics2D.Raycast() registers collision with EdgeCollider2D when camera is in perspective



Game object with EdgeCollider2D does not collide with a Physics2D Raycast cast from screen point to mouse position when camera is set to orthographic but works when camera is in perspective.

To Reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Load up the scene
3. Enter Play mode
4. Try clicking on the rockets
5. Observe how clicking on the right one(blue) rocket that has EdgeCollider2D on it doesn't register the hit
6. Set camera to perspective
7. Try step 5 again

Expected: Ray shouldn't collide with EdgeCollider2D in perspective camera.
Actual: Ray collides with EdgeCollider2D in perspective camera.

NOTE: on other versions apart from 5.4.0f3 sprites are rendered wrong but that does not impact the issue at hand

Reproduced on: 5.1.5f1, 5.3.4f1, 5.4.0f3, 5.5.0a5

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