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Physics2D.OverlapPoint does not check if Collider2D is overlapping when the Scene is reloaded in Play Mode



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the “ReproProject“ project
2. Open the “Assets/_Safeguard/Scenes/Main“ scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Click on the castle in the middle of the Game View
5. Click on the “Restart” button in the top right of the Game View
6. Repeat step 4
7. Observe the Game View

Expected result: A grid and walls around the castle appear
Actual result: Nothing happens

Reproducible with: 2021.3.35f1, 2022.3.18f1
Not reproducible with: 2022.3.20f1, 2023.2.13f1, 2023.3.0b10
Fixed in: 2022.3.19f1

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro (22H2)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Selecting the “Citadal(Clone)“ GameObject in the Hierarchy window, checking the Is Trigger, and unchecking the Is Trigger parameter in the Box Collider 2D component fixes the issue, and the castle is selectable again in the Game View

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is not a Unity case, but rather, the API was used in a wrong way.

    This use case is setting timeScale to zero in the TimeScaleManager::Update method. Disabling this manager in the scene makes everything work.

    The above problem would affect not just 2D physics but also 3D physics and many other systems that rely on FixedUpdate.

    When changing e a collider in any way via the inspector, it's recreated at its current position regardless.

    If calling Instantiate then one should provide the position/rotation/parent in the call there and then which doesn't required any synchronisation.

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