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Physics.UpdateBodies takes a significantly longer time on 2017.2.0a4 and later versions



How to reproduce:
1. Open users attached project and "main" scene
2. Go to Window --> Profiler and open it
3. Enter playmode and observe Physics.UpdateBodies function and its time

Expected result: Physics.UpdateBodies takes around 10ms just like in 2017.2.0a3 and prior versions
Actual result: Physics.UpdateBodies takes around 700ms in 2017.2.0a4 and later versions

Regression introduced with - 2017.2.0a4
Reproducible with - 2018.2.0a6, 2018.1.0b13, 2017.4.1f1, 2017.3.2f1, 2017.2.2p2, 2017.2.0a4
Not reproducible with - 2017.2.0a3, 2017.1.3p2

Note - Reproducible on Standalone and Android builds

Comments (1)

  1. mkgame

    Sep 26, 2018 19:13

    In my case it has nothing to do with issue #1019745. I have 1000 speedtree trees. I gave them each a Rigidbody to the tree root GameObject. The speedtree trees have the collider under the tree root GameObject attached to another GameObject. Thats all.

    Tree (Rigidbody, kinematic)
    |- Trunk (trigger collider on it)
    |- Branch (trigger collider on it)

    This works fast under Unity 5.6.6f2. Under Unity 2017/2018 this contruct has a terrible physic performance.

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