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Particle System Texture Sheet Animation only affects UV0 when multiple UV Channels are present in the Material Shader

Visual Effects - Legacy


How to reproduce:
1. Open the "SampleScene" Scene in the attached "" Unity project
2. Select the "Particle System" GameObject in the Hierarchy window
3. Navigate to the Particle System Component's Texture Sheet Animation module and expand it
4. Change the "Affected UV Channels" property from "UV0" to "UV1"
5. Expand the GameObject's Material and untick "Switch UV Channel"

Expected result: the "UV1" texture is animated when the "UV1" channel is affected by the Texture Sheet Animation module
Actual result: the "UV1" texture is not animated when the "UV1" channel is affected

Reproducible with: 2018.4.13f1, 2020.1.0a15
Could not test with: 2017.4.35f1

Notes: could not test with Unity 2017.4.35f1 due to missing packages required for the shader.

  1. Resolution Note:

    In order to make this work, the Particle System must be configured to export the second UV stream into the TEXCOORD1.xy slot.
    To do this, enable Custom Vertex Streams in the Renderer module and add the stream into the correct slot. You may need to pad out with something unrelated to get it to line up with your shader graph, or, a more efficient approach would be to modify your shader graph to read the second UV from instead.

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