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Fixed in 5.3.2
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Particle system plays only once
To reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open "_Test" scene
3. Play the scene
4. Click "Restart" button
5. Observe appeared particles
6. Click "Restart" button after particles become invisible (2 seconds)
Expected behavior: particle system should play once more (see gif, older versions behavior is shown)
Actual behavior: particle system is not playing again (see gif)
Regression introduced from 5.3.0f4 to 5.3.0p1
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Aug 18, 2020 08:21
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Jul 17, 2020 13:57
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Dec 09, 2016 23:20
I have tried every suggested solution in this thread, and it is still an issue for me. Unity 5.4.2.
Jul 01, 2016 20:11
The solution is to check if the system is playing before calling the method like this:
if (!particleSystem.isPlaying) {
particleSystem.Play ();
Jun 20, 2016 23:44
Still present in 5.3.5f1
Jun 02, 2016 02:16
Getting this issue in 5.3.4f1 still. Tried JEFEQUESO's solution but didn't work either. I did a work around by changing the emission rate to 0 to stop playback and the original emission rate value to play it back.
//Stop playback
particleSys.emissionRate = 0;
//Play particle system
particleSys.emissionRate = 10;
Apr 06, 2016 09:22
Still having issues starting a particle system from code, using the Play() function. Switching from local to world simulation space solves this issue, but it's obviously not a solution. Version is Unity 5.3.4f1Personal. Both on Windows and OSX.
Mar 29, 2016 20:40
Totally not fixed. Can no longer vote. must open new issue. JEFEQUESO's solution works but lame to have to do.
Mar 08, 2016 15:58
I'm experiencing this issue in 5.3.2f1. Jefequeso's solution works, though this bug should be fixed
Mar 01, 2016 17:31
Workaround: Enable "Sub Emitters" on the particle system (values can be left to none)...