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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X, 6000.0.X



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Package Manager 'Subscription based' filter option lost upon changing menu item



*Pre-requisite:* Have access to Subscription packages - it seems Forma is one, more details in comments.

*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open any project.
# Window > Package Manager > Unity Registry
# Filters > Check "Update Available"
# Click to a different category i.e. In Project
# Click back to Unity Registry.
# Click Filters to view the dropdown.

*Actual results:* Only the selected filter is shown.

*Expected results:* Both filter options are shown and can be switch between.

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.16f1, 2022.3.42f1, 2022.1.0b8

*Not Reproducible with versions:* 2022.1.0b7

*Can't test with versions:*
* 2022.1.0a1, 2021.3.42f1 - no filters available.

*Tested on (OS):* MacOS Intel 12.7.4

* If you deselect the filter it remains only one option until you re-open the filter dropdown.
* This does not seem to happen if you select "Subscription based" instead.

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