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OpenXR Mock Runtime used D3D11 when Unity Player is configured to use D3D12

Package: OpenXR Plugin


The OpenXR Mock Runtime tests tried to use D3D11 instead of D3D12 when the unity player is configured to use D3D12.
According to [XRF-323 [SPIKE] D3D12 OpenXR Mock Runtime support - Part 1|], D3D12 now supports OpenXR Mock Runtime. However, when we run the xr.xrautomated graphics test on MockRuntime against D3D12, in the UnityLog.txt, it shows:
Dedicated video D3D11 device creation failed (error: 0x887a0004). This device is used specifically for video decoding, we will use software video decoding instead.{code}
Which I think its trying to use the D3D11 instead of D3D12.

The yamato job can be found at:
and the full [PlayerLog.txt|] can be found at: build-logs/.yamato/build/logs/playmode/URPGraphicsTests/[PlayerLog.txt|]
*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Run the yamato job in the previous link and look for the playerlog

*Actual results:* MockRuntime used D3D11

*Expected results:* MockRuntime used D3D12

*Reproducible with versions:* trunk, 2022.3, 2021.3

*Not reproducible with versions:* 

*Can’t test with versions:* 

*Tested on (OS):* 


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