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OnTriggerEnter method does not call when project is opened in a later version of the editor



Reproduction steps:

# Open the user’s attached project (“Mail”)
# Open the “PlayerController” and “PlayerScene” scenes Additively
# Find the “TestLookSpatialInteractable” GameObject in the scene and observe its BoxCollider Component
# Enter Play Mode
# Move the “FirstPersonPlayer” GameObject to hit the “TestLookSpatialInteractable” GameObject
# Track down any Debug messages in the console

Expected result: Console prints “FirstPersonPlayer Entered” message
Actual result: The OnTriggerEnter method does not call

Reproducible with: 2022.2.0a11, 2022.2.0b12, 2023.1.0a14
Not Reproducible with: 2020.3.40f1, 2021.3.11f1 , 2022.1.20f1, 2022.2.0a10
Reproducible on: Intel macOS 12.6

Note: A message (“FirstPersonPlayer Entered”) is expected to be printed in the Console if the "FirstPersonPlayer" collides with the "TestLookSpatialInteractable" GameObject via its Trigger Collider and script ("SpatialInteractible.cs").

  1. Resolution Note:

    this is a behavior change introduced by third party library upgrade ( ie physx upgrade)

    could not reproduce the exact failure on a fresh project

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