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Fixed in trunk



Found in [Package]

2020.2, 2020.1 & 2019.4

Issue ID




[Oculus Quest] Managed Debugger dialog cannot be interacted with when launching the application

Package: Oculus Standalone


To reproduce:
1. Open any project with Android platform and Oculus VR support set up
2. Open Build Settings
3. Enable "Development Build", "Script Debugging" and "Wait For Managed Debugger"
4. Build and run on Oculus GO

Expected: when application is ran, prompted dialog can be interacted with
Actual: Managed debugger dialog cannot be interacted with

Reproduced in: 2018.3.11f1, 2019.1.0b9, 2019.2.0a10

Note: the dialog is also not rendered in Stereo Rendering. Most likely reproducible on Oculus Quest and similar VR devices

Comments (2)

  1. Tanya_Li

    Nov 23, 2020 23:47

    In latest LTS Release 2019.4.15f1, added utilizing Android device Volume Up or Down button to confirm when "Wait for managed debugger" option was selected in Build Settings.
    The same fix will also be adding in trunk and next 2020.2 beta (targeting 2020.2.0b13)

  2. Kleptine

    Feb 12, 2020 17:43

    I get a black screen on Quest when attempting to use the Wait for Managed Debugger option.

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