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[OcclusionCulling] When scene isnt saved baking fails without decent error



When trying to bake occlusion in an unsaved scene, Unity gives the error 'No Asset Directory' which is missleading, also it looks to bake the data just not succeed in saving it.

Repro steps:
1. Create some static objects in a new scene
2. Open occlusion culling window
3. Bake occlusion

Expected results: Unity should pop up a window similar to lighting when trying to bake without the scene being saved.
Actual results: Unity throws the error 'No asset directory' which is missleading since the project is a folder called asset.

Reproduced in: 2017.2.0a4, 2017.1.0b10, 5.6.1p4, 5.5.3p3

  1. Resolution Note:

    Make sure that scene is saved before and after baking occlusion.

Comments (1)

  1. rustybroomhandle

    Aug 29, 2017 21:24

    I think you just have to save your unity scene, then it'll work.

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