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ObjDetQueue.thread crash when using Object Tracking (ARTrackedObjectManager) and AR Foundation

Package: ARKit


ObjDetQueue.thread crash when using Object Tracking (ARTrackedObjectManager) and AR Foundation

1. What happened
The app is crashing while using ARKit Object Tracking.
- Object reference library contains at least one object;
- ASSession is disabled while ARTrackedObjectManager.referenceLibrary != null, then enabled again;
- Crashes in Release configuration are less frequent than in Development Build;

I was able to reproduce the crash with all these setups:
- Unity 2020.1.8/2019.4.12
- iPad Pro 2020/iPhone X;
- AR Foundation, ARKit XR Plugin 4.0.2/4.0.9/4.1.0-preview.11

  1. Resolution Note:

    Unity has investigated this issue and determined the crash is happening within ARKit code. We have communicated this issue to Apple. Since we cannot fix this issue ourselves, we are resolving it as a third party issue.

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