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Fixed in 5.5.0



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Issue ID




NavMeshObstacle carving causes NavMeshAgent to teleport



Reproduction step:
1. Open the attached project.
2. Open and play the "MainScene".
- After few seconds obstacle is instantiated inside navmesh and it causes agent to teleport(GIF attached).

Regression introduced in:
* 5.3

Comments (8)

  1. nscrivanich112325

    May 18, 2020 21:36

    Still not fixed in 2019.3.7f. What I did to resolve this issue was I simply decreased the radius of the agent's obstacle avoidance.

  2. unity_dA5TCa2krrACsQ

    Mar 30, 2020 15:58

    2019.3.0a5... Still not fixed.

  3. pjccccc

    Jun 26, 2019 14:43

    I fixed this by changing scale setup. You may see actual NavMeshAgent's size by clicking them

  4. Mathius123

    Jun 07, 2019 08:35

    This is absolutely not fixed in 2018.3.8f1. Can we please get an update or at least a workaround? It's over a year now and this hasn't been fixed.

  5. Pavelluden

    May 10, 2018 20:37

    definitely not fixed in 2017.3.1f1

  6. michaelwolf95

    Jan 18, 2018 01:45

    Ran into the same issue in Unity 2017.3.0f3.

  7. BakeMyCake

    Jan 16, 2018 17:36

    Just ran into this issue in 2017.3 - NavMeshAgent still teleports.

  8. XBagon

    Mar 31, 2017 18:34

    I just tried this in 5.6.0f3.
    My NavMeshAgent still teleports, when carving is activated on the deactivated NevMeshObstacle.

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