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Fixed in 2022.2.X

Duplicate in 2019.4.X, 2020.3.X, 2021.2.X, 2022.1.X



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Issue ID




NavMesh Agent can not pass through passable area between carving NavMesh Obstacles

AI Navigation


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Open the "NavMeshBug" Scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Use WASD or Left Mouse Button to move the Agent down-right through the passable area between the black Obstacle walls

Expected result: Agent can pass through the gap between the black Obstacle walls
Actual result: Agent can not pass through the gap between the black Obstacle walls ("repro.mp4")

Reproducible with: 2019.4.29f1, 2020.3.14f1, 2021.1.16f1, 2021.2.0b4, 2022.1.0a3

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.2):

    Fixed in 2022.2.0a2

Comments (19)

  1. wechat_os_Qy030CelO4TWl89txJWTI_zE0

    Nov 27, 2021 15:29

    Please fix Unity!

  2. unity_1337F34E70143396D4B3

    Nov 21, 2021 04:24

    Please fix this developers

  3. Vincont

    Nov 14, 2021 19:16

    It's pretty disheartening when you complete a nightmare dungeon but cannot open the last box because a tiny area was blocked by an invisible wall.

  4. Katote

    Nov 09, 2021 01:07

    please fix the invisible walls in the dungeons!

  5. ReFall

    Aug 30, 2021 13:42

    I hope the Unity team lives up to its trust. I'd like to believe it...

  6. victor_rydell

    Aug 01, 2021 19:16

    Please fix <3 // ZroonX

  7. djwhite9999

    Aug 01, 2021 10:08

    Please fix Unity! Give us the ability to play without walls.

  8. andrewmaize25

    Aug 01, 2021 08:30

    This is a game breaking bug in Terra 2 and it needs to be addressed please this game is awesome!

  9. mframe_unity

    Jul 31, 2021 22:34

    Please fix Unity!

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