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MultiColumnListView silently stops updating if you call RefreshItems from inside a bindCell callback



If you get confused and call MultiColumnListView.RefreshItems() from inside a bindCell callback (obviously a bad idea, but I didn't realize I was doing it), the view will just mysteriously and silently never populate, rather than throwing an error. Would it be possible to throw an error in this case?

  1. Resolution Note:

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. After careful consideration, we have determined that other higher-priority issues should take precedence, and we have decided not to address your issue at this time. The priority level is determined by factors such as the severity and frequency of an issue and the number of users affected by it. We appreciate your input and understanding, and please let us know if you have any other concerns or issues you would like to report in the future.
    In this particular case, an internal mechanism would be required to detect such cases of function calls from specific callbacks. We agree that the end result is not satisfying in any way, and we apologize for this! We're taking good note of this, and will be taken into account should there be a refactor/update of the ListView control family.

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