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Fixed in 2021.3.41f1, 2022.3.36f1, 6000.0.9f1



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Issue ID




Crash on mono_array_length when building a project



Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open the attached “repro-project”
2. Build and Run the project
3. Observe the crash

Reproducible with versions: 2021.3.38f1, 2022.3.30f1
Couldn’t test with versions: 6000.0.3f1 (due to compiler errors)

Reproducible on: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 (Intel), Windows 11 (By the reporter)
Not reproducible on: no other environment tested

First few line of Stack Trace:

{noformat}#0 0x0000010c751854 in mono_array_length(MonoArray*)
#1 0x0000010c7bf113 in scripting_array_length(ScriptingArrayPtr)
#2 0x0000010d4c0ce4 in SettingsFilteredShaderVariantEnumeration::SettingsFilteredShaderVariantEnumeration(core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>> const&, dynamic_array<GfxDeviceRenderer, 0ul> const&, core::flat_map<ShaderTagID, ShaderTagID, std::__1::less<ShaderTagID>, 0ul> const&, ShaderVariantData const&, ShaderCompilerProgram, keywords::LocalKeywordState const&, keywords::LocalKeywordState const&, keywords::LocalSpace const&, bool)
#3 0x0000010d4cce14 in CompileGpuProgramSnippets(CompileShaderOptions const&, ShaderType, core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>> const&, ShaderPassType, int, int, unsigned int, ShaderSnippet const&, bool&, core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>> const&, dynamic_array<SnippetCompileJobData, 0ul>&, bool&, MemLabelId)
#4 0x0000010d4d476b in CompileShaderSubprograms(ShaderType, unsigned int, ShaderLab::SerializedProgram&, int, core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>> const&, ShaderPassType, int, int, CompileShaderOptions const&, dynamic_array<SubProgramBlobWriter, 0ul>&, ShaderSnippet*, core::basic_string<char, core::StringStorageDefault<char>> const&, bool&){noformat}

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